What Can An Animal Clinic Do For Your Pet?

28 January 2020
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog


Whether your pet needs acute care or a routine exam, you can find the service you need at an animal clinic. Animal clinics are staffed by veterinarians and vet assistants who are trained to give medical services to many different types of animals. Here are four things an animal clinic can do for your pet:

1. Administer vaccinations and booster shots.

Ideally, all pets should receive vaccinations starting from when they're young. Vaccines can protect cats and dogs from diseases that are harmful to animals and humans. In most cases, pets can receive vaccines when they're just a few months old. If you adopted an older animal and you're unsure whether or not they've had their shots, you can take them to the animal clinic for a blood test. A veterinarian can administer any vaccines they're missing or give them booster shots to ensure continued immunity. All pets will need booster shots throughout their lives to keep them protected.

2. Monitor your pet's weight.

Obesity is a concern for animals as well as humans. Many household pets live sedentary lives, which means they can become overweight if they are fed too much. Your vet will weigh your pet during each visit to the animal clinic. If their weight begins to become a concern, they will give you some advice to get your pet back into a healthy weight range. There are specialty foods you can buy that will help you control your pet's weight as well.

3. Protect against fleas and other parasites.

Many parasites like to feed on pets if at all possible. Fleas and ticks can make your pet itchy, and they can even carry disease. Your veterinarian can administer preventative medication to your pet, which will protect them from pests such as fleas, ticks, and heartworms. If your pet already has one of these parasites, your vet can give you medication to get rid of them.

4. Manage chronic health conditions.

Especially as pets get older, some of them may suffer from chronic conditions. Diabetes, heart disease, and cancer can all affect the health of your pet. Certain lifestyle changes will help keep your pet in good shape, even if they contract one of these diseases. Your vet can make recommendations that can help you tailor your pet's diet and exercise routine to give them the best health outcomes. Your pet may need medication or radiation treatment to maintain their health, and you can find these at an animal clinic as well.