Tough Calls: How To Make That Choice To Take A Pet To A Veterinarian Hospital

5 February 2020
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog


Veterinarian hospitals are an excellent choice in pet care when you know your pet needs surgery. These animal hospitals do a lot of spaying and neutering of pets, but they are on hand for other pet emergencies. If you have to make a tough call about your pet's health, and you are not sure if they should wait to go to your usual vet in the morning or go to the vet hospital now, here is how to make that choice.

Is Your Pet Bleeding a Lot?

Obvious bleeding wounds are a definite "yes" when it is after-hours for your vet and your pet will not make it until morning. Animals have significantly less blood in their bodies than people do, at least most of the typical pets you can keep indoors. Trying to stop the bleeding is good, but if it is going to be a long night before you can get your pet to the usual vet, a trip to the vet hospital is a must.

Does Your Pet Seem Listless or Are They Crying in Pain a Lot?

Animals generally will let you know when they are in pain. They will yelp, meow, chatter loudly, or make a loud noise to let you know something is not right. If they stop making noise and become listless or they simply do not want to move, eat, or go to the bathroom, your pet is in serious danger. If you take your pet to the hospital right when they are making a lot of noise, then there is a good chance that they will be cared for just in time for whatever is bothering them. 

Does Your Pet Have Any Unusual Lumps or Swelling?

Sometimes what is bothering your pet is not always visible. This is especially true of very fluffy pets. Examine your pet with your hands as well as your eyes. Look for swelling or unusual lumps, which can indicate that there is internal bleeding. If you find lumps or swelling, do not hesitate to go to a vet hospital. This could be many things including internal bleeding from an internal injury, a cancerous tumor, or a fatty tumor that can be removed and tested for abnormalities at the hospital. It could also mean broken bones if the swelling is on a leg or tail. It pays to know for sure. 

For more information, reach out to a veterinarian hospital in your area.