Signs Your Dog Has An CCL Injury And What To Do About It

27 May 2020
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog


As a dog owner, you hope that your dog never suffers any type of illness or injury. However, as careful and watchful as you are, injuries can still happen. A torn CCL is one such injury. The CCL in dogs is the equivalent of an ACL in humans. It is an important ligament in their legs. Here are some of the signs your dog has a CCL injury and what you can do about it if they do. 

They Suddenly Pull Up Lame

CCL injuries can happen in the blink of an eye when a dog is playing, running, or sometimes even walking. As such, one of the first signs that your dog may have a CCL injury or may have torn their CCL is if they suddenly pull up lame. If your dog is unable to walk or stops putting weight on one of their legs, a CCL ligament injury may be to blame. 

They Are in Pain When They Walk

Another sign of CCL injury is pain when trying to walk (or even when sitting or lying down). Your dog may start whining or yelping when they try to walk or they could start limping severely. These are all potential signs of a CCL injury. 

Sitting Funny

Your dog might also sit funny or strangely when they have torn or injured their CCL. This usually looks like one leg is sticking out straight instead of tucked under their body. Bending the joint can be painful when the CCL is injured, which is why your dog might do this. 

What You Can Do

The first step to take when your dog has potentially injured their CCL is to encourage them to rest. If they have a crate, put them in it. Otherwise take away distractions like toys and try to get them to lie down and rest. 

It is possible that they just twinged something and simply need to give the joint a chance to heal a little. However, if the pain and other symptoms continue for more than a day or so, you should head to the animal care hospital. 

At the animal care hospital, the veterinarian will examine your dog's leg manually. They will also likely want to run x-rays to get a good look at the joint. This can help determine if there is a minor injury to the CCL or if the CCL is torn. 

Once you know what is going on, the vet can prescribe treatment. Pain medications and rest are likely to be prescribed whether the dog has a mild or severe injury to the joint and ligament. You may also need to schedule surgery for your dog if the ligament is torn to repair it. Otherwise your dog may be permanently lame and suffer extensive damage to the CCL and overall joint.